Rendering, courtesy of DLR Group.
Groundbreaking photo, courtesy of S. M. Wilson.

COLUMBIA, MO Columbia Public Schools celebrated the groundbreaking ceremony for its new Southwest Elementary School. This 76,500 SF two-story facility is part of the voter-approved, no-tax-rate increase bond issue, passed in 2022. 

“Reinhardt/Wilson is excited to be part of Columbia Public Schools’ growth. Southwest Elementary is one of many projects our team members are working on in collaboration with the district,” said Mark Cochran, chief operations officer at S. M. Wilson. “As trusted partners, we are committed to building lasting partnerships and going Beyond the Build to exceed our partners’ expectations.” 

Reinhardt/Wilson, the joint venture team of Reinhardt Construction, LLC and S. M. Wilson & Co., serves as the construction manager at risk (CMAR). The architect team, DLR Group and SOA, provide pre-construction and design services to maximize the project budget, establish plans for various projects, and hire project teams. 

With a capacity for 750 students and 140 staff, Southwest Elementary will be divided into six learning pods, each with its own unique theme, color scheme and nature-themed label. 

Unique building features include core learning studios for collaborative and breakout spaces, flex learning spaces to promote collaboration and inspire student engagement, special learning areas for small learning groups; a media hub with offices and innovation labs; elective spaces including art and music areas; gymnasium/storm shelter; food service area including kitchen and student dining commons; administration offices, nurse/clinic area, and custodial and maintenance areas. 

The site will also include a car drop-off lane with a 65+ car stacking ability, a 165-space parking lot, three playgrounds for various age levels, and a multi-purpose field.