S. M. Wilson is 100% Employee-Owned (ESOP). We are all committed to excellence and doing quality work, understanding it’s about the people we work for and with and their families.

With offices in St. Louis and Edwardsville, IL we consistently deliver on our promises and make the building experience understandable and enjoyable for every client by going BEYOND the BUILD. Our process is about moving all parties forward toward a shared goal: an extraordinary project that is well built and enjoyed in the years to come by you and your community.

Adam Brenton

Adam Schmidt

Allie Jones

Amanda Bohnert, CPSM

Andrew Ahlers, CM-BIM, AC

Anna Eisenbath

Anthony Garza

Austin Smith

Ayo Ojolola

Becky Geiger

Bernie Burtch

Brad Homes

Brian Nuehring, LEED AP BD+C

Brian Turner

Caleb Goode

Chris Watkins

Christine Raffety

Clay Collard

Courtney Kinamore, CPSM

Craig Cox

Curtis Ellis

Dan Corkery

David Rall

Elaine Eftimoff

Emily Klackner

Eric Baumgartner

Evan Fox

Greg Kutz, LEED AP

Greg Nanney

Greg Williams, LEED AP

Jack Kinamore

Jake Fenster

Jake Girse

Jamie Berzon, CM-BIM

Janell Jones

Jason Gasawski

Jeanne Garlock

Jennifer Balossi

Jennifer Hasamear

Jeremy Hutfles

Joyce Glass

Justin Daniels

Kelly Santacruz

Kerry Lorts

Kurt Bray

Kurt Stallmann

Kyle Gustafson

Lagan Riley

Lillie Knesel

Lisa Green

Mark Cochran, CCM, CHC

Matt Frank, CHC

Mat Minor

Matt Savant

Mike Ashley

Mike Mangiore, CCIFP

Mike Yazbec

Moriah Ellis

Nathan Verslues

Nichole VonderHaar

Patrick Aylesworth

Ralph Miller

Rebecca Cornatzer

Rebecca Reifel

Richard Graves

Richard Osgood

Scott Morris

Sherry Jackson

Steve Lambing

Steve Meeks

Steve Williams

Steve Zick

Terry Miles

Tim Fischer

Tim Williams

Todd Simon

Tom Burns, CSP

Tracey Lewis

Tyler Baumgarth

Wendy Bruner

Wes Byrne

Wren Fallon